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Zoho CRM Module Data Export Update

By December 18, 2023No Comments

Doing a Zoho CRM module data export used to be extremely challenging due to the limits and lack of functionality that were in place.  Zoho has now made major changes to the module data export process that makes it much easier to use.

What Are The Zoho CRM Module Data Export Updates?

As a reference, below is what was available for data updates prior to the changes.

As you can see, you were limited to 3000 records and you had to export all records from the module.

With this new update you now have:

  • expanded limits from 3000 records to 200,000
  • increased amount of times you can do an export (250/day for Professional and 500/day for Enterprise)
  • the ability to download an export multiple times
  • advanced filtering and data formatting options (more details below)
  • the ability to download an export from a list view within a module
  • full visibility of export history by all users


What Are The New Filtering and Formatting Features The Zoho Data Export?

In the past the only option for exporting records from a module was to export all of the data in the module up to the limit.  With the recent changes you can now filter what records you want to export.  This can be based on either a specific list view or criteria.

In addition, you can now export subforms and select the specific data from the subforms you want exported.



Did you know The Marks Group is offering Zoho CRM Admin training? Check out our Events page to sign up!  Also, don’t forget to check out our Zoho Training Video library on our YouTube channel for more assistance with Zoho CRM and many other Zoho products! Feel free to contact us at with any questions or if you need Zoho support. Feel free to comment below. We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Dena Falek

Author Dena Falek

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