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GoldMine CRM

Goldmine : Syncing your Calendar with Outlook

By GoldMine CRM

One of the easiest ways to leverage the remote capabilities of GoldMine is to synchronize (copy) your calendar with Outlook.

1. Select Tools | Synchronize | Synchronize with Outlook from the top-level menu.

2. Click the “Synchronize Now” button.

3. Select “Start a new Session”, then Next.

4. Select “Send and Retrieve…” and uncheck “Synchronize Contact Items”.

5. Select “My Calendar”, then Next.

6. Change your cutoff date to the day you want to Start synchronizing calendar items from, Next.

7. Give your sync profile a friendly name, then Finish.

This will synchronize your GM calendar with Outlook based on that Cutoff Date you selected in step 6.

Pro Tip : to “wipe and reload” GM items previously synchronized with Outlook, re-run the sync with “Omit records previously retrieved from Outlook” enabled. (Step 6)

GoldMine : Remove Dangerous Menu Items from the End User

By GoldMine CRM

Taking away the sharp tools is always a good idea. I’d say that roughly 25% of the support calls I get could be circumvented if some of those tools had been taken away.

1. To modify a users top-level menu, select Tools | Users’ Settings | User Properties.

2. From the Menu tab, you can turn top-level menu items On or Off for the end user:

ProTip: Using the “Save” and “Delete” buttons, you can create and modify menu “Templates” for easy deployment to other users.

GoldMine : Removing Unused Tabs

By GoldMine CRM, Uncategorized

Ah, yes! Removing stuff in your way with GoldMine is easy. Let us now remove Tabs from the bottom edge of the GoldMine Contact Record. We’ll start with the ones we don’t use – you know, most of them.

1. Get into Record options via Tools | Options | Record from the top-level menu.

2. Click on the “Tabs” button.

3. From here you can enable/disable any tab and re-position it. I’ve removed all the tabs except for the most vital:

Pro-tip: The “Customize Globally” checkbox works as you imagine it does. But be careful you don’t take away a tab that a user depends on!

GoldMine : Remove Duplicate and Unused Toolbar Items

By GoldMine CRM, Uncategorized

One of the most useful things you’ll do with GoldMine is remove parts of it from being in your way. Let’s start with the Toolbar.

1. Activate edit mode by clicking on the “little down arrow” all the way on the right of the toolbar. Then “Add or Remove Buttons”, then “Customize”.

2. Go to the “Commands” tab. What you see here is literally every item from the GoldMine top-level menu. To add an item to the Toolbar, click-drag the item from the right-hand side of the Commands window into the toolbar.

3. When you are in this mode, you can also re-arrange the Toolbar items with a click drag. Removing an item is done by click-dragging it off of the Toolbar.

Pro-tip: For those of you who love to micro-manage your GoldMine interface, right-click on any Toolbar button to bring up all kinds of options:

GoldMine : Uploading email lists to Constant Contact using GoldMine 2019

By GoldMine CRM

GoldMine Groups are now tightly integrated with CC. Whether you select the Group from the Campaigns Center (shown here)…

..or create the Group from GoldMine (shown here)…

…you have the ability to “associate” it with a CC Email List Name. What this really means is that you automatically get that GoldMine Group imported into CC as an Email List. I was actually amazed at how well this works. Try it! (You can get a CC account for the first 30 days free)

GoldMine : Configuring Constant Contact in GoldMine 2019

By GoldMine CRM

The Constant Contact integration is now much, much better. To see what’s changed, first login to CC via GoldlMine:

Go to | Campaigns | Constant Contact Campaigns

Click on Configure, then Login and provide your CC login.

Then Click the Refresh button in the Campaigns center to download your Campaign list.

Detail about any given campaign can be seen by double-clicking on a Campaign name.

GoldMine : Lock down your SQL queries with GoldMine 2019

By GoldMine CRM

Those GoldMine geeks amongst us have known about this security hole for years: the SQL Query tool in GoldMine. Thankfully, it only works with SELECT statements. That being said, there was nothing stopping a disgruntled salesman from “SELECTing * from CONTACT1” and walking away with your client list.

Until now. You can disable SQL Querying at the database alias level.

Go to Tools | Databases | Alias Manager | Edit Alias

Uncheck “Enable SQL Queries” and Ok your way out.

All users will need to restart their GoldMine to get the change.

GoldMine Summary Tab

By CRM, GoldMine CRM

Don’t forget this handy tab.  The information contained here is automatically populated by the GoldMine Calendar.  This is a great place to see a quick overview of what has been done with a contact and when.  These fields can be used in dashboard, reports, and other tabs. Read More

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