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Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Dynamics 365: Export Error Logs for Imports by using .XML or .CSV Import Files

By Microsoft Dynamics CRM

If you’ve ever imported data into Dynamics 365 or troubleshooted an import, you’ll know that it can be incredibly frustrating to deal with high numbers of errors–especially if the import source file was an Excel file (.xls or xlsx).  You might notice that there is no option to export your errors!  If even a few dozen errors occur, it is inefficient and painful to manually match the error with the line item from the original import file.   Read More

Dynamics 365: Lookup Field Filtering

By Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Did you know that you can filter the results on Lookup fields in Dynamics? For example, by default, a lookup to the Contact entity will show every active contact in Dynamics, but we can change that so it only displays a selection of contacts based on another field.  This is an often overlooked feature that can provide a more simple user experience with just a few clicks!  In the example provided below, we will filter the “Contact” lookup field on the Opportunity record so it only displays contacts related to the Account that we specify on the Opportunity.
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Dynamics 365: Quick View Forms

By Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Dynamics 365 makes it easy to reference information from other entities on a given form using Quick View forms.  For example, you can show a contact’s job title, phone number, and email address on an Opportunity.  Or, maybe you want to show some specific account information (account number, address, etc) from an associated contact’s record.  Adding Quick View forms is quite easy and incredibly useful–keep reading for more information! Read More

Dynamics 365: New Advanced Find Filter – Does Relationship Contain Data?

By Microsoft Dynamics CRM

It’s easy to get distracted with all of the great user interface changes Microsoft brought us with Version 9.  This tip is about one of the smaller enhancements that hasn’t gotten much attention, but learning about it is definitely worth your time! We’re talking about a new search feature available in Advanced Find that allows you to specify if a relationship contains data. For example, we can search for accounts with NO opportunities, or bookable resources with NO bookable resource characteristics.

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Dynamics 365: New Admin Portal

By Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft is redesigning the Dynamics 365 admin portal! You may have seen our post on the new support page a few months back–Microsoft has expanded the Dynamics 365 admin portal to include both support information and environment/instance management.
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Dynamics 365: Reminder–Mandatory Version 9 Upgrade Upcoming!

By Microsoft Dynamics CRM

This year, Microsoft changed their Dynamics 365 upgrade policies. Some of the changes include delivering two major releases per year (April and October), detailed release notes (you can find these here), and most importantly, enforcing a mandatory update to move all 8.2 users to version 9 by January 31, 2019. You can find more information on the policy changes in this Microsoft blog post and a FAQ on these policies here. Please note that version 8.2 will not be supported after January 31, 2019 and your organization has likely already been contacted by Microsoft to schedule the upgrade.

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