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Data Filtering in Zoho CRM Reports

By February 28, 2023No Comments

In some recent blogs, we reviewed the recent changes made to Zoho CRM reports that make them more user friendly. Click here to access Part 1 and Part 2 of those changes.  Zoho has now made even more changes which will allow you to filter based on dynamic criteria values.

How Has Data Filtering Changed in Zoho CRM Reports?

Until now, you have only been able to filter data in your reports based on static values.  Per the example below, you can filter your reports based on Actual Cost being greater than, equal to or less than $50,000.

This has been helpful but what if you wanted to review what this cost was relative to the value of another field?  For example, if your budget is $100,000, an actual cost of $50,000 is good.  But if your budget is $25,000 an actual cost of $50,000 would be a red flag.

To get around this issue, Zoho now allows you to filter values based on other fields in the module or related modules included in your report.  With this change, you can now filter the report based on whether the Actual Cost if above the Budgeted Cost so you can review only the records that you need to take action on.

How Do I Filter On Dynamic Criteria?

To use dynamic criteria, there is now a dropdown field for you to choose whether to filter based on a value (the only option before) or a field.  If you choose field, you will then be able to choose from the fields that are the same field type as the field you are filtering on.

There are a key points you should be aware of:

  • You can currently filter on the following field types:
    • Date, date and time
    • Checkbox
    • Number, Decimal, Percentage and Long Integer
    • Currency
  • You can filter on fields that are in the module the report is based on or it’s child modules if it is included in the report
  • You can add upto four filter criteria per report

Did you know The Marks Group is offering Zoho CRM Admin training? Check out our Events page to sign up!  Also, don’t forget to check out our Zoho Training Video library on our YouTube channel for more assistance with Zoho CRM and many other Zoho products! Feel free to contact us at with any questions or if you need Zoho support. Feel free to comment below. We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Dena Falek

Author Dena Falek

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