We all know how frustratingly slow it can be to jump around between different entities, contacts, leads, opportunities in Dynamics..oy! In this post we’ll be discussing a very helpful new feature in Dynamics 365: “Pinning” Entities and Records in the “Recently Viewed Items” drop-down. You can actually pin Views, too!
Pinning in Recently Viewed Items
We start (as always) by signing in to our Dynamics 365 instance.
Navigate around your Dynamics instance visit your VIP Accounts, Opportunities, Views, Leads, Contacts, etc.
When ready, select the “Recently Viewed Items” icon:
Hover over the records or entities you want to Pin, then click on the little pushpin:
Rinse and repeat! Your Pinned Records/Entities/Views should remain there until you unpin them:
Thanks for following along! If you have any questions about this post, feel free to comment below.