When declaring an Opportunity closed-lost, Dynamics offers two out-of-the-box choices as the “reason for loss”: Canceled, or Out-Sold:
What if you need to add additional options here? Going beyond the reason for loss–what if you want to add additional choices for a “Won” status, or even additional statuses when the Opp is open?
It’s easy to make this change by editing the “Status Reason” field. Head to Settings–>Customizations–>Customize the System to open the default solution in a new window.
Expand Entities, then scroll down and expand Opportunities. Select “Fields”:
Locate the “Status Reason” field. Note that only the Display Name column shows “Status Reason”, however, and the name & schema name of this field is “statuscode”. Double click to edit:
We can see that the available choices for the “Open” status are “In Progress” and “On Hold”. The grey options to the right allow you to modify this list as required:
To access the “Lost” status reason choices, select the “Status” drop-down and choose “Lost” We can edit, add, or remove options from this list as required. You can also select the default status reason below:
Thanks Just what I needed worked great 7/26/19
Important to also add it to the Opportunity Close Entity. MS Notes:
“The Opportunity entity has the following statuses, which aren’t customizable: Open, Won, Lost. However, you can add multiple status reasons corresponding to the Won and Lost statuses. ***** If you add custom values to a Status Reason field against a state (Won/Lost) in the Opportunity entity, you must add the same custom value to the OpportunityStatusCode field (attribute) on the Opportunity Close entity manually. ***** This displays the correct customized values with right defaults preselected for each opportunity Win and Loss state.”