One of the most useful things you’ll do with GoldMine is remove parts of it from being in your way. Let’s start with the Toolbar.
1. Activate edit mode by clicking on the “little down arrow” all the way on the right of the toolbar. Then “Add or Remove Buttons”, then “Customize”.
2. Go to the “Commands” tab. What you see here is literally every item from the GoldMine top-level menu. To add an item to the Toolbar, click-drag the item from the right-hand side of the Commands window into the toolbar.
3. When you are in this mode, you can also re-arrange the Toolbar items with a click drag. Removing an item is done by click-dragging it off of the Toolbar.
Pro-tip: For those of you who love to micro-manage your GoldMine interface, right-click on any Toolbar button to bring up all kinds of options: