Hey there! In this tip, I wanted to point out the difference between a reply vs a new conversation in Microsoft Teams.
There are two places to start typing in the Conversations tab–at the bottom with the mini Compose Box, or under an existing ‘conversation’:
Pay attention to which box you’re typing in! Replies will trigger notifications to others in that conversation, and keep the conversation contained. Conversations are sorted chronologically, so if you were to reply to a conversation by starting a new conversation, the reply could get separated from the rest of the conversation.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or comments down below!
great and helpful blog to everyone.. thanks a lot for sharing
All my comments are appearing as replies??? I cannot seem to change it
Hi Alana,
Hmm, I’m not sure what could be happening here, other than to just make sure your text box, when empty, says “Start a new conversation, Type @ to mention someone”, not “Reply”-feel free to send me a screenshot of this if you want to look into this further! megan@marksgroup.net