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Zoho Email Notifications Update – Mass Emails

By February 10, 2022No Comments

Zoho email notifications are one of the most common automations our clients need.  Read on for some of the recent enhancements Zoho has made in email notifications.

What Has Changed With Zoho Email Notifications?

In a nutshell, the main Zoho email notifications change is that if there is more than one email recipient in your email notification, you now have the option to send a single mass email or individual emails.  Before this change, you only had the option to send individual emails.

The screenshot below highlights the change to Zoho email notifications.  Once you check the box for a single email, you will now be able to define the To, cc and bcc fields.

An added benefit to this change is that it will only count as one email towards your daily email limit.  The daily email limit will vary depending on the version of CRM you are using.

There are a few details with single mass emails that you should be aware of:

  • You can only select users rather than roles, groups or territories – if you want everyone in a role or group to receive the email you will have to enter each user separately
  • Additional recipients (ie people not set up as users in Zoho) can only be in the To or CC fields
  • You are limited to 100 recipients in the To field and 50 each for the CC and BCC fields
  • If the module has a multi-select user lookup field you can add this user field to the recipients – each user will count to the limit
  • The From field is mandatory and the mass email will come from that user vs “”
  • You cannot track the email insights for all users since the email is sent to them all at one time

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